
Oil Skimmer Blog

Tom Hobson

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How Oil Water Concentrator Increases Oil Skimmer Efficiency? | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jul 26, 2021 2:37:22 PM

If you are running your skimmer 24/7 and the tank or pit runs out of oil, your skimmer will pick up whatever is remaining in the tank, and most of the time that will be water or coolant. There is a way to prevent this and that is by utilizing an oil water separator/concentrator in conjunction with your oil skimmer.

Oil Water Concentrator

The oil water concentrator attaches to the skimmer and helps in further separating the water/coolant from your oil. This unit is placed on the back of the skimmer. The skimmed material is drained into the concentrator and then it separates the water from oil. You can then drain the water back into the tank or well through one hose, and the oil drains from another. So, next time you’re wondering how to increase the efficiency of your oil skimmer, take a look at the oil water concentrator to help solve your dilemma. 

How Oil Water Concentrator works?

The Oil Concentrator is non-electrical and contains no moving parts — it simply receives liquid directly from the skimmer. Based on the principle of gravity separation, the Concentrator tank is sized so that there is adequate dwell time for the oil and water to separate. Water discharge is through a tube that has an open end near the bottom of the Concentrator, while oil flow is through a separate drain port near the top. As additional liquid enters the Concentrator, water and oil are forced out through their respective discharge tubes and ports. A sludge screen provides additional dwell time for separation while preventing debris from contaminating either the water or the oil.

Abanaki Oil Concentrator

The Abanaki Oil Concentrator provides virtually complete oil/ water separation for recycling or disposal of either liquid. Under most operating conditions, Abanaki skimmers pick up oil with only small traces of water. However, as surface oil is reduced to a thin layer (1/16 inch thick or less), more water (or coolant) may be picked up along with the oil. When used in tandem with an oil skimmer, the Oil Concentrator solves this problem by providing final phase separation. The result is water (or coolant) available for recycling, and virtually water-free oil for disposal.

Installed at the discharge end of the oil skimmer, the Concentrator comes complete with mounting bracket, removable sludge screen and drain plug for easy cleaning. An optional thermostatically controlled heater is available for use with thick oils, or when the application is in freezing temperatures. (A heater should not be used in environments where explosive fumes might be present.)

Abanaki recommends the use of the Concentrator with all oil skimmers. It increases the efficiency of the skimmer and reduces costs associated with oil disposal.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com


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Topics: oil concentrator, coolant maintenance, oil water separator

Industrial Wastewater Skimmers for Steel Mills | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 29, 2021 10:24:17 AM

Abanaki offers industrial wastewater skimmers specially designed for steel mills where plant maintenance engineers are looking for the lowest cost, most reliable method of removing greases and heavy oils from the steel-mill scale pit. Abanaki oil skimmers use the difference in specific gravity and surface tension between grease and water, allowing the belt to attract grease and oil as the belt passes through the surface of the water. The simple belt-and-motor approach is proven to operate unattended and reliably for decades with little maintenance.

Grease Grabber Oil Skimmer

To avoid fines from government and municipal sewer districts, steel mills must limit the amount of grease in wastewater discharged into the environment. The Grease Grabber® oil and grease skimmer provides a continuously operating belt and wiper that can remove up to 160 gallons per hour of heavy greases and oils. Depending on the characteristics of the liquid, the oil/grease skimmer is capable of reducing grease content to fewer than five parts-per-million in water. Reclaimed grease and oil can be re-used or used as furnace fuel, avoiding sucker truck disposal costs.

How Grease Skimmer Works?

Using a double drive roller and tail pulley system, the grease skimmer belt runs through wastewater to pick up grease and heavy oil from the surface. The belt travels over the head pulley and then passes through tandem wiper blades, from which oil is scraped off both sides and discharged. A heated hopper keeps grease flowing in cold outdoor temperatures.

The tail pulley features flanges that allow the pulley to roll freely on the inside of the belt without becoming dislodged in turbulent applications. No bearings are needed; the unit does not need to be fastened to the tank. An optional tether and cage assembly is offered to prevent the tail pulley from being dislodged. The Grease Grabber oil skimmer can be used in pits with depths as shallow as one foot or as deep as 100 feet.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

Abanaki Model 8 Belt Skimmer in Operation

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Topics: steel mills, industrial wastewater, grease skimmer

Oil Skimming is the Most Effective Solution to Refineries | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 23, 2021 10:14:54 AM

Refineries are capable of producing gasoline, jet fuel, or even asphalt and, like most large-scale high-capacity plants, require process optimization and advanced process controls.

Oil Skimming Solution

Oil skimming is a popular method for capturing and removing oil from wastewater in plant treatment systems. This process is mandatory to avoid fines and to produce fuel as economically and environmentally friendly as possible. Oil skimmers work by making use of the differences in specific gravity and surface tension between oil and water. These physical characteristics allow the belts to attract oil and other hydrocarbon liquids from the surface of the fluid.

By implementing an oil skimming solution, the goal to recapture 100% of all hydrocarbons before they go down the drain, can be achieved. The oil skimmer collects the bulk of the hydrocarbons and sends them back to a crude tank. Any residual oils can be removed through filtration or chemical treatment. The oil skimmer is operated 24 hours a day 7 days a week. A refinery oil skimmer requires very little oversight, no maintenance, and the time saved more than offsets the electrical costs.

Abanaki Oil Skimmers

The Model 8 oil skimmer is the most widely used Abanaki oil skimmer. Its size and removal capacity make it suitable for most applications. From a mere shimmer on top of water to a heavy oil slick, the Model 8 oil skimmer performs efficiently, removing up to 40 gallons of oil per hour.

The Abanaki Model MB oil skimmer is a dependable and effective means of removing oil from water and water-base solutions. Often, oil skimming by itself will reduce oil to an acceptable level of water purity. Depending on the characteristics of the liquid, it is possible for the Model MB alone to reduce oil content to less than five parts per million in water. The unit can be used as a pretreatment before filtration, and in conjunction with a coalescing system.

The Model 4 oil skimmer utilizes a continuous belt and wiper to remove up to 20 gallons of oil per hour from the fluid surface. Depending on the characteristics of the liquid, it is possible for the Model 4 alone to reduce oil content to less than five parts per million in water.

 The Abanaki Oil Viper tube skimmer is a surface oil skimmer that effectively removes floating surface oils by means of an oleophilic (oil attracting) 3/4 inch diameter continuous looped tube. The tube extends out over the surface of the tank or pit and collects the free-floating oils. The Oil Viper has a specially designed method for removing the oil from the tube. It has a unique wiper combination attached to the tube itself in addition to the ceramic wiper on the skimmer.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

Oil Skimmers Get the Dirty Jobs Done

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Topics: groundwater remediation, refinery, industrial wastewater

Oil Skimmers for Hydroelectric Power Plants | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on May 28, 2021 11:45:00 AM

Small leaks of hydraulic oil from turbines at hydroelectric plants are common and can end up in the facility’s sump or in its water resource. Oil skimming cost-effectively removes the oil before the water is discharged into the environment.

Typically, the utility is charged with environmental stewardship of the adjacent reservoir or river that is vital to hydro power generation. Often the reservoir or river also provides a public recreation, and it may be a source for drinking water and irrigation. Hydraulic oil leaks cannot be tolerated.

Utilities may employ absorbents and other manual methods of oil skimming. These methods are messy and inefficient, and take maintenance personnel away from more important work. In contrast, Abanaki oil skimmers are proven in thousands of applications to be the lowest maintenance and most reliable means of oil removal.

Oil Grabber® Model 8 Oil Skimmer

The Oil Grabber® Model 8 oil skimmer is a dependable and cost-effective tool for removing oil from sumps in hydroelectric plants. With its rugged construction it is made to last many years with little or no maintenance. The Model 8 oil skimmer utilizes continuous belt and wipers to remove oil from existing sumps. With its specially designed belts, it can collect virtually all oils present in sumps, and with the optional oil concentrator it can virtually eliminate any residual water that may be picked up.

Oil skimming makes use of the differences in specific gravity and surface tension between oil and water. These physical characteristics allow the belt skimmer to attract oil and other hydrocarbon liquids from the surface of the fluid. The Model 8 can be used in tanks with depths as shallow as one foot, or as deep as 100 feet.

The Model 8 Oil Skimmer may be part of an emergency oil spill system, in which wastewater flows through a coalescer tank, is skimmed, and then passes though filters. These systems satisfy the requirements of government standards intended to prevent oil spills from entering the environment. Abanaki has experience in designing and installing complete emergency oil spill systems for the power generation industry.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

Abanaki Model 8 Belt Skimmer in Operation

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Topics: industrial oil Skimmers, Model 8 Belt Skimmer, industrial wastewater

Belt Oil Skimmers are Made for Groundwater Remediation | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on May 24, 2021 2:53:20 PM

Sometimes, an important technological advance begins with a small step-back! Such is the case with remediation of hydrocarbons from groundwater utilizing existing recovery and monitoring wells.

For the past few years, state government has based decisions on the amount of clean up that they require by the risk posed to the environment. Risk Based Corrective Action, commonly called “Rebecca” (RBCA), is a process that utilizes the principles of exposure assessment, toxicity and mobility to make corrective action decisions on sites that are cost effective while still protecting human health as well as that of the environment. Many times, all they require is removal of the free-phase product, allowing any emulsified contaminant to degrade with time. RBCA has saved many millions of dollars both for taxpayers and for businesses. With state regulatory agencies taking this approach, oil skimming devices have emerged as one of the most cost-effective groundwater remediation equipment choices.

Oil Skimmer is the Solution in Groundwater Remediation

Wastewater engineers in industrial settings have, for many years, understood the value of oil skimmers in the removal of hydrocarbons from water. Food processing plants, the metals industry, machining firms and utilities have all used oil skimmers with great success for wastewater treatment. Recently, oil skimmer manufacturers have modified their product as groundwater remediation equipment. The belt oil skimmer’s ability to get into tight spaces and remove relatively large amounts of hydrocarbons lends itself perfectly to groundwater remediation.

Since most oils, fuels and other hydrocarbon liquids have the tendency to float on water, oil skimmers are designed to remove only the top, free-phase, product layer. With only product being removed, the cost and maintenance of other down-well and water treatment equipment can be eliminated. Another cost advantage to oil skimming is that in many cases the product can be salvaged for reuse – further reducing the overall price by eliminating the disposal cost.

Belt Oil Skimmers are the Most Cost-Effective Method

The options for remediation equipment through recovery wells are practically unlimited since these wells come in a variety of sizes; any of the available technologies such as pump and treat of bio-remediation can be used in the correct size recovery well. Monitoring wells, however, are small, typically less than 4 inches in diameter. Initially installed for the monitoring of groundwater they are cheaper to construct and just large enough to allow a baling device or oil/water interface detector to pass through. As a cost savings measure, these small diameter wells are increasingly being used for product removal. With the increase in this new use, it is only natural that a number of devices are showing up claiming the ability to remove product through monitoring wells.

With the requirements for groundwater remediation systems becoming more reasonable, the use of skimming devices in lieu of pump and treat systems is increasing. The enormous expense involved with treating millions of gallons of water including the remediation equipment, monitoring and related maintenance is being replaced with a much more common-sense attitude. Oil skimmers, especially belt oil skimmers, as a means of remediation equipment, not only meet the challenge but, most times exceed. Pump and treat still has a place in this industry, but the small step “backward” to time proven skimming, a more reasonable and cost-effective method, cannot be overlooked.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

How Does a Well Oil Skimmer Work? 

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Topics: groundwater remediation, belt oil skimmer, well oil skimmer

Are Oil Skimmers in your Machine Shop? | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Apr 30, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Tramp oil got you down? Is your product quality being affected by floating oil? Have you asked yourself how you remove oil from water effectively and efficiently?

Coolant Maintenance

Coolant maintenance should always be a top priority in shops. Dirty machine coolant can cause a multitude of problems for manufacturing facilities and CNC machines. Not using clean coolant can cause health issues in the workplace, reduce the life of the equipment used, and can significantly slow a process down. All of these factors lead to loss in production which leads to loss in profit for companies. And while recycling steel, aluminum, paper, and glass is readily accessible, recycling coolant is not. Additionally, the cost of recycling used coolant can be very expensive.

Coolant Skimmers Help Reduce Costs for Machine Shops

Coolant skimmers typically don’t come attached to CNC machines when they are newly bought. This is because nobody wants to admit that the brand-new machine is eventually going to leak oil into the coolant. This looks good on paper, but there is a reason why so many coolant skimmers are bought annually. CNC machines are bound to have at least a small amount of oil leaking into the coolant at some point. The skimmer will remove this oil from the top of the coolant for disposal. Without some type of coolant skimmer, the coolant life will be dramatically decreased. These small coolant skimmers will save you money throughout the operational life of your CNC machine.

Coolant skimmers help machine shops extend the life of their coolant by removing free floating oils. In today’s economic conditions every company is trying to look at ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Coolant can be a major expense but is a necessary evil. Abanaki offers a complete line of coolant maintenance products that go beyond coolant skimmers to offer various solutions for other coolant problems. The coolant maintenance line addresses concerns about coolant life as well as that rotten egg smell and small spills. If you have coolant in your machine shop, you need a coolant skimmer. See our full line of coolant skimmers here.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

Abanaki has a new reference that can help you choose the right skimmer and the right size to ensure years of worry-free operation.

Click button below to access our “How to Successfully Implement Oil Skimmers” webinar to learn how to get the most out of your skimmer.

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Topics: coolant maintenance, coolant skimmer

5 Simple Yet Crucial Steps to Choosing an Oil Skimmer | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Apr 21, 2021 3:14:51 PM

Choosing an oil skimmer best suited for your application will maximize oil removal while minimizing capital outlay and oil skimmer operating costs. There are 5 crucial steps that need to be considered when purchasing a skimmer for your application. Skipping one or any of these concepts can result in having zero success in removing oil from your waste water. So, let’s keep that from happening and go over these 5 simple steps!

Operating Conditions

The first step in choosing an oil skimmer is to define the operating conditions in which the skimmer will be operating. All oil skimmers have a moving medium, and possibly other parts, immersed in the liquid. The performance and life of the pick-up medium, wiper blades, pulleys, etc. are affected by different conditions. These conditions include temperatures in and out of the liquid, pH of the solution, and the presence of solvents or other reactive chemicals.

Removal Capacity

The second step in selecting an oil skimmer is to know what you need or expect your removal capacity to be. Capacity should be based on the maximum amount of oil to be removed within the shortest available time. For instance, total oil influx may be 200 gallons in a 24-hour period, which averages about 8.3 gallons per hour. But if most of it comes during a single eight-hour plant shift, you will probably need a removal rate that is three times as high, especially if you are trying to prevent an unwanted discharge of contaminated water to a sewer system. As a rule-of-thumb, specify approximately twice the maximum capacity you anticipate needing for normal conditions.

Sump’s Characteristics

Understanding your tank or sump’s characteristics is the third thing you will want to consider when choosing an oil skimmer for your process. The location, shape, and capacity of a tank or water impoundment are major factors in choosing the right oil skimmer. Also consider fluctuations in water level, turbulence and possible emulsions. Although oil skimmers do not cause emulsions, they can have trouble removing certain types.

Oil Skimmer Media

The next step is determining which belt, tube, or disk to select for your skimmer. Obviously, you need the proper media on your skimmer in order to ensure the best results. And if you think all belt types or materials operate the same or that simply picking the cheapest option will suffice, you’re wrong and you’d be setting yourself up for failure. You can have a skimmer that is top of the line, but if you have the wrong belt, tube, or disc material on it then it won’t matter how great of a skimmer you have in that tank. Your results will be less than stellar.

Belt performance and durability depends on the nature of the liquid, its chemical composition, temperature, etc. For instance, high temperature increases a belt’s sensitivity to pH levels. So if the temperature of your application is above 160°F and you’re thinking of using a Polymer belt, then I would suggest you think again. It’s always best to share your application’s temp and pH levels with your sales person so they can select the right belt material for you.

In the same vein, choosing the right wiper blade is important, too. You’ll want something that can endure the temperatures and pH levels of your application so they don’t melt or warp or completely break during operation.

Oil Skimmer Accessories

Accessories are a skimmer’s best friend! Or so they say. The fifth step in choosing an oil skimmer is determining if your application requires any additional add-ons, such as specific motor types or additional skimmer equipment. Most oil skimmers are designed with standard, industrially rated, continuous duty motors and fully enclosed speed reducing drives. Most of these oil skimmers can be specified with the following motor options:

- Any standard or exceptional electrical requirement
- Explosion proof
- Drip proof
- Tropicalized
- Dirty duty
- Food service
- Wash down duty
- DC motors
- ATEX/European motors

Oil skimmer accessories make it easy to customize your oil skimming system for quick installation and optimal performance. These are the most commonly requested items. More specialized accessories are typically available on request such as solar oil skimming system, transfer package and underground oil skimmer system, concentrators, fluid monitoring accessories, and many more.

Choosing the right oil skimmer doesn't have to be a disastrous process, but things can go sideways quickly if you don't address certain aspects of your application. As always, make sure you are dealing with a reputable vendor. Companies that really know and understand how oil skimmers work will ask you all about the content above, if they don't, RUN! Bottom line: know your application, choose a vendor you trust, and your oil skimming operation will be smooth sailing.

Video: How To Tell What Skimmer You Need For Your Machine Coolant

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

There is a skimming system for virtually any application. Simply fill up the form to your right or click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: coolant maintenance, oil skimming applications, Oil Skimmer Accessories

Extend Coolant Life with Cost-Effective Coolant Skimmers | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Mar 26, 2021 9:30:00 AM

A coolant skimmer is a machine that removes floating oil and grease from liquid. The floating oil adheres to skimming media, such as a belt, tube, or disk. The media then runs back to the machine to be wiped clean.

Coolant skimmers are simple, dependable and effective tools for removing oil, grease and other hydrocarbons from water and coolants. Often, a coolant skimmer by itself can achieve the desired level of water purity.

In more demanding situations, coolant skimming is a cost-effective means of removing most of the oil before using more complicated and costly treatments such as coalescers, membrane filters and chemical processes.

Coolants And Cutting Fluids

When machine coolants become contaminated with tramp oils, four things usually occur:

  • coolant life is reduced;
  • quality of machined parts is reduced;
  • in many cases, a smoke will begin to appear in the shop, causing irritation to the workers on the job; and
  • the fluid takes on a “rotten egg” odor.

Oil skimmers that remove tramp oils solve these problems and typically pay for themselves within a few months. Therefore, these are the coolant skimmers you should remember to extend the life of your coolant.

Oil Boss (New Generation Oil Skimmer)

Abanaki's Oil Boss is an innovative tool for keeping coolant free of oil. The patent-pending design allows for easy visual inspection of your coolant’s condition; and will also help extend tool and coolant life. It will decrease loss of production and maintenance time. And it will allow for easy cleaning of various sumps or tanks around any plant or shop due to its portability and magnetic base. The Oil Boss has a small footprint that reduces the amount of clutter and equipment on the shop floor.

Mighty Disk (Disk oil Skimmer)

Mighty Disk is the inexpensive way to remove unwanted tramp oils from coolants and parts washers, but with all the quality that you expect from Abanaki! Removes up to 1 ½ gallons of oil or more of medium weight oil per hour. Use it almost anywhere a flat surface is available for mounting. Weighs less than 10 pounds, installs in no time, and runs on 110v power.

TubeTastic (Tube Oil Skimmer)

The Abanaki TubeTastic! oil skimmer can be used on machining centers with little or no access to the coolant sump from above. This unit can skim oil from chip conveyors or even totally enclosed machining centers. The TubeTastic! can be easily mounted on the side of virtually any machining center coolant sump. By use of an existing opening or by making a small access cutout, the collector tube runs through the surface of the coolant and collects the unwanted oils. The oil then flows out the discharge tube into any waste oil container for easy disposal.

Mighty Mini (Belt Oil Skimmer)

The stainless steel Mighty Mini is a compact belt skimmer designed for parts washers and machine tool coolant sumps. With its large discharge trough and small operating space, the Mighty Mini fits almost anywhere. The stainless steel construction resists rust and corrosion in harsh environments. It is lightweight and requires minimal assembly. With its durable stainless steel construction, it is built to give long lasting performance. The removable trough makes cleanup fast and easy.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com


Have you ever looked at your coolant and wondered what type skimmer would work best in your machine sump? In this video, we talk about what oil skimmer works well in various coolant applications.

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Topics: belt skimmer, tube oil skimmer, coolant maintenance, coolant skimmer, disk skimmer

Tips for Effective Oil Skimming – Part 3 | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Mar 12, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Removing oil from water is a crucial step in many processes across numerous industries. From extending tool life to staying in compliance with government agencies, oil skimmers provide a cost-effective solution to removing oil from water or coolant.

Companies always look for effective ways to remove oil from water or coolant. Here are few more easy tips to skim oil from water or coolant.

If the skimmer must be run when little or no oil is present, use an oil concentrator

Under most operating conditions, skimmers pick up oil with only small traces of water. However, as surface oil is reduced to a thin layer (1/16 inch thick or less), more water (or coolant) may be picked up along with the oil. When used in tandem with an oil skimmer, the oil concentrator solves this problem by providing final phase separation. The result of this is optimal levels of water or coolant becoming available for recycling, and virtually water-free oil for is collected by the skimmer.

Choose the right belt for your application

Take the time to study which belt best fits your application – it will maximize the life of the skimmer belt and optimize the efficiency of skimmer. This applies to both length of the belt and the material of which it is constructed. As mentioned previously, choose a belt length that assures contact with the liquid at its lowest level. Belt materials are wide ranging and need to be selected based on variables such as the type of oil being collected, the liquid media that the oil is being collected from, and whether the skimmer is being used in an interior or exterior application. Any good skimmer dealer should be able to offer assistance when it comes to belt selection. Testing different belt materials prior to final selection is always a wise course of action.

Choose the optimal location for the skimmer to be mounted

Power availability and accessibility for routine maintenance need to be considered when selecting the location of the unit. Once that locale has been narrowed down, the skimmer should be mounted so that the down stroke of the belt is facing the bulk of the floating oil and is not within 2 feet of a wall or a tank side. This will ensure that the belt will be positioned to attract the maximum amount of oil, without allowing any dead zones where oil can be allowed to become stagnant.

Always remember that the friendly support staff of Abanaki Corporation is just a phone call away to help you with any of your skimming needs. Abanaki has emerged as the world leader in oil skimming solutions, serving industries as diverse as iron and steel, wastewater, paper, food processing, automotive, environmental remediation and recycling. With a guiding principle that has become a corporate motto, “Clean Our World” is the philosophy we have in mind when servicing our customers. If you have any questions about your oil skimming application, please call us. We are here to help!

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: oil skimmers, belt skimmer, oil skimming, belt oil skimmer, different oil skimmer industrial, industrial oil Skimmers, oil skimmers applications, oil skimming tips

Do Not Over Complicate Oil Skimmers Buying Process | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 26, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Oil skimming usually beats ultra-filtration systems in many applications. More often than not, installing large, complicated systems to remedy oil problems will not provide ideal results. You can save costs by using a relatively inexpensive oil skimming system to handle the free-floating oil and then a smaller treatment system to handle the oil that has remained suspended in the wastewater.

Bigger isn’t always better and smaller isn’t always cheaper. Choosing a skimmer based on size speculation can be a costly mistake. Buying the smallest skimmer available because it is the cheapest or purchasing the biggest skimmer because you think it will work faster will not lead to successful skimming results.

What Size to Buy?

  • Oil skimmers should be selected by the size of the area that needs to be skimmed, not just by the amount of oil needing to be removed.
  • Choosing an oil skimmer that has the capacity to remove at least two times the capacity needed by the application should be the deciding factor.
  • Oil skimmer capacities are based on optimum conditions and homogeneity of oil.
  • Viscosity, temperature of the water, and other factors can affect the amount of oil picked up by an oil skimmer.
  • It is impossible to accurately predict how fast your oil will be picked up.
  • Therefore, as a rule of thumb, purchase an oil skimmer that is rated at least twice the capacity needed.

Make A Plan!

  • Planning is important! Before spending money on a concrete pad and mounting arrangements, check where the oil actually collects in your process.
  • Oil skimmers should be located opposite from the inflow and the tail pulley should be submerged two inches below the surface of the liquid in order to be as effective as possible.
  • Using a tank that does not allow enough time for the oil to rise and float will not permit successful oil skimming.
  • Always make sure your tank gives enough residence time for the oil to float.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com


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Topics: oil removal, belt material, belt oil skimmer, water temparature, viscosity

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