
Oil Skimmer Blog

Changing Belt Materials Improves Belt Oil Skimmer's Performance for Metals Manufacturer

Posted by Tom Hobson on Sep 10, 2013 4:12:28 AM

A metals manufacturer in TN was experiencing issues with one of its processes in which they use a Mighty Mini Belt Oil Skimmer. They were using the Mighty Mini with a stainless steel belt to skim sodium hydroxide from a tank that had a pH of 12 and a temperature of 170 degrees. These conditions were causing the stainless steel belt to become brittle and it started to crack during operation. The company reached out to Abanaki to find a solution to its problem. After being made aware of the operating conditions, it was determined that the facility needed to use a high temperature polymer belt for this specific operation. This belt material can withstand much higher temperatures and harsh chemical environments. After using the new belt material, the company’s operation has been running smoothly with no problems to report.

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Topics: metal manufacturing, stainless steel, oil skimmer, ploymer, abanaki, belt oil skimmer

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