
Oil Skimmer Blog

Choosing the Right Oil Skimmer: Key Tank Characteristics to Consider | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 27, 2024 4:15:00 PM

Choosing the right oil skimmer tailored to your specific application is crucial for maximizing oil removal efficiency while minimizing capital and operational costs. Key factors such as the impoundment capacity, shape, and strategic placement of the tank and water impoundment play pivotal roles in determining the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of your chosen oil skimmer.

A larger impoundment capacity allows for better management of oil-contaminated water, reducing maintenance frequency and operational interruptions. Tanks with smooth shapes and minimal internal obstructions facilitate efficient oil collection, enhancing skimmer performance and minimizing the risk of oil buildup. Strategic placement of the skimmer within your facility optimizes its efficiency by targeting areas where oil accumulates most. By considering these factors carefully, you can select an oil skimmer that not only meets your immediate needs but also contributes to long-term cost savings and operational efficiency.

Tank Size/Design

The size and design of your tank or sump play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient oil removal. It is essential that oil in the water is given the opportunity to separate naturally. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Separation Opportunities: Oil and water can emulsify when subjected to turbulence and other mechanical agitation, making separation more challenging. To mitigate this, ensure that water returns to the tank below the liquid surface at the lowest possible velocity. This practice minimizes agitation and encourages natural separation.
  • Quiet Areas and Weirs: Incorporating quiet areas and weirs within the tank allows oil and water to separate more effectively. These features reduce turbulence and provide a calm environment for oil to rise to the surface.
  • Sufficient Volume: Ensure your tank or sump has adequate volume to allow for proper oil/water separation. The larger the volume, the more time oil has to separate from water, making the skimming process more efficient.

Tank Shape

The shape of your tank can significantly influence the efficiency of oil skimming. Tanks with complex shapes can create challenges in oil collection. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Avoid Nooks and Crannies: Tanks without nooks and crannies are ideal, as these can trap oil and hinder the skimming process. If you have an irregularly shaped tank, position the oil skimmer where the largest amount of oil accumulates naturally.
  • Oil Directing Mechanisms: Consider using mechanisms such as floating booms or baffle plates to direct oil towards the skimmer. These devices help channel oil to the collection point, improving the efficiency of the skimming process.

Tank Location/Installation

The physical location and installation of the oil skimmer are critical factors that affect its performance and ease of maintenance. Address the following questions to ensure optimal placement and functionality:

  • Pumping Requirements: Determine if the skimmed oil needs to be pumped from the oil skimmer to the container. This consideration will influence the type of skimmer and additional equipment you may need.
  • Maintenance Access: Ensure that the oil skimmer can be easily accessed for periodic maintenance. Difficulty in accessing the skimmer can lead to neglect and reduced efficiency over time.
  • Mounting Space: Evaluate the available mounting space for the oil skimmer. Limited space can restrict your options, so it's crucial to measure and plan accordingly.
  • Tank/Container Modifications: Assess whether any modifications to the tank or container are required to accommodate the oil skimmer. These modifications might include installing mounting brackets, adding baffle plates, or creating access points for maintenance.

By carefully considering the size/design, shape, and location/installation of your tank and oil skimmer, you can significantly enhance the efficiency of oil removal from your water systems. This approach not only helps in reducing operational costs but also ensures a cleaner and more environmentally friendly process. Remember, the right oil skimmer tailored to your specific application is an investment in both efficiency and sustainability.

How to Successfully Implement Oil Skimmers

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

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Topics: coolant maintenance, tank, tank capicity

Mastering Oil Skimming: 11 Essential Tips for Efficient Oil Removal | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on May 30, 2024 1:45:00 PM

Oil skimmers play a crucial role as unsung heroes in the ongoing fight against oil contamination. Their significance transcends mere functionality, as they serve as guardians of environmental integrity and industrial efficiency alike. Whether tasked with preserving the purity of coolant systems to prolong the lifespan of vital industrial tools or ensuring that wastewater remains free from the deleterious effects of oil discharge into the environment, a well-operating skimmer emerges as an invaluable asset. In recognition of their indispensable role, here are 11 invaluable tips aimed at maximizing the efficiency of oil removal from both water and coolant systems:

  1. Level Up: Ensure that the skimmer is mounted perfectly level. This is particularly crucial for skimmers equipped with free-hanging belts, as proper alignment guarantees smooth tracking over the pulleys, optimizing performance and longevity.

  2. Wipe Wisely: Strike the right balance when positioning the wiper blades—not too tight, but with gentle contact against the belt. Over-tightened blades accelerate wear and tear, while insufficient tension compromises oil recovery efficiency, leaving behind valuable residue.

  3. Time It Right: Operating the unit only when oil is present minimizes the risk of inadvertently collecting coolant or water. Consider utilizing a timer for automated operation, enhancing efficiency and reducing energy consumption by running the skimmer precisely when needed.

  4. Calm Waters: To maximize effectiveness, deploy the skimmer during periods of minimal turbulence. Operating it during quiet times allows the oil to naturally rise to the surface, facilitating easier removal and ensuring thorough cleanup.

  5. Be Prepared: Keep spare belts and wiper blades readily available to swiftly address any maintenance needs and minimize downtime. This proactive approach ensures uninterrupted operation and optimal performance.

  6. Length Matters: Select a belt of sufficient length to ensure that the tail pulley remains submerged even at the lowest liquid levels. This strategic choice maximizes oil collection efficiency across varying conditions, guaranteeing thorough cleanup without compromise.

  7. Size Up: Properly match the skimmer size to the dimensions of the tank. Opt for a skimmer that optimizes oil removal relative to the tank's size, ensuring efficient cleanup without unnecessary excess capacity or inefficiency.

  8. Concentration Matters: When running the skimmer in scenarios with minimal oil presence, employ an oil concentrator to prevent the inadvertent removal of coolant and water. This targeted approach conserves resources and maximizes efficiency, ensuring optimal performance even in challenging conditions.

  9. Belt Selection: Carefully select the appropriate belt for the application to enhance skimmer longevity and efficiency. Choosing the right belt minimizes wear and tear while maximizing oil capture capabilities, ensuring sustained performance over time.

  10. Strategic Positioning: Position the skimmer strategically, with the downstroke of the belt targeting the bulk of the floating oil. Ensure that the skimmer is positioned at least 2 feet away from walls or tank sides to avoid interference and optimize oil removal efficiency.

  11. Support System: Remember that assistance is just a phone call away. The friendly support staff at Abanaki Corporation is dedicated to helping you with any skimming needs you may have. Whether it's troubleshooting, maintenance tips, or product guidance, we're here to ensure your skimming operations run smoothly and effectively.

Abanaki Corporation stands as a beacon of excellence in oil skimming solutions, catering to a diverse range of industries with a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship. Our motto, "Clean Our World," underscores our dedication to preserving the planet while serving our valued customers. For any inquiries or assistance with your oil skimming application, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 440-543-7400. We're here to help you make a difference!

How to Successfully Implement Oil Skimmers

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

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Topics: coolant maintenance, oil skimming tips, industrial wastewater

Cracking the Code of Oil Skimmers | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Mar 26, 2024 11:10:34 AM

Oil skimmers are essential tools in various industries, from manufacturing to wastewater treatment, where the removal of oils, fats, and other hydrocarbons from water surfaces is necessary. Despite their importance, many people still have questions about oil skimmers and their functionalities. We'll address some of the common queries surrounding oil skimmers to shed light on their role and operation.

What is an oil skimmer, and how does it work?

An oil skimmer is a device designed to remove floating oils, greases, and other hydrocarbons from the surface of water or other liquids. It operates on the principle of surface tension, using various mechanisms such as belts, discs, or drums to attract and collect oil while allowing water to pass through. Essentially, it skims the oil from the surface, separating it from the liquid.

Where are oil skimmers used?

Oil skimmers find applications in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to:

    • Manufacturing: for coolant recovery and recycling in metalworking processes.
    • Oil and Gas: for removing oil spills from water bodies and separating oil from produced water.
    • Food Processing: for removing fats, oils, and grease from wastewater.
    • Marine: for oil spill cleanup and preventing oil contamination in harbors and ports.
    • Environmental Remediation: for removing oil from groundwater and surface water during cleanup operations.

What types of oil skimmers are available?

There are several types of oil skimmers available, each suited for different applications and environments. Some common types include:

    • Belt Skimmers: Utilize a continuous belt to collect oil from the surface.
    • Disc Skimmers: Use rotating discs to pick up oil.
    • Tube Skimmers: Employ a floating tube or hose to attract oil.
    • Drum Skimmers: Consist of a rotating drum to skim oil.
    • Weir Skimmers: Utilize a weir or overflow mechanism to separate oil.

How do I choose the right oil skimmer for my application?

Selecting the right oil skimmer depends on various factors, including the type and viscosity of the oil to be removed, the size of the area requiring skimming, the flow rate of the liquid, and environmental conditions. Consulting with an experienced supplier or manufacturer can help determine the most suitable skimmer for your specific needs.

Are oil skimmers environmentally friendly?

Yes, oil skimmers are environmentally friendly as they help prevent oil pollution and contamination of water bodies. By efficiently removing oils and hydrocarbons from the surface, they contribute to cleaner water and support environmental conservation efforts.

What maintenance is required for oil skimmers?

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the optimal performance of oil skimmers. This may include cleaning the skimming elements, inspecting and replacing worn-out parts, checking for leaks, and ensuring proper adjustment of the skimmer settings. Following the manufacturer's guidelines and scheduling routine maintenance checks can help prolong the lifespan of the skimmer and prevent costly downtime.

Oil skimmers play a crucial role in various industries by effectively removing oils, greases, and other hydrocarbons from water surfaces. Understanding how they work and addressing common questions surrounding their usage can help businesses make informed decisions when selecting and maintaining oil skimming equipment. By choosing the right skimmer and implementing proper maintenance practices, companies can enhance efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and ensure compliance with regulations governing oil pollution control.

How to Choose an Oil Skimmer for Machine Coolant

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

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Topics: coolant maintenance, common questions about oil skimmers, machine tools

Exploring the Depths Between Belt Skimmers and Tube Skimmers for Effective Oil Removal | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 29, 2024 2:20:56 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of tramp oil contamination, the choice between belt skimmers and tube skimmers has sparked ongoing debates, with advocates on each side passionately championing the merits of their preferred technology. Belt skimmer enthusiasts extol the virtues of space efficiency, while tube skimmer proponents emphasize the broader coverage these devices offer over sump, tank or pit surfaces.

Understanding the Operating Principle

Despite the spirited discourse, both belt skimmers and tube skimmers share a common operating principle – breaking the surface tension of water to facilitate the adherence of oil to either the rotating belt or the floating tube. Recognizing this commonality is essential, as it underscores the need to align your choice with the specific requirements of your application.

Key Features and Advantages of Belt Skimmers

Belt skimmers exhibit a range of features that contribute to their widespread use and appeal.

  1. Adaptability: One of the standout features of belt skimmers is their adaptability to various environments. Whether deployed in calm waters, busy harbors, or industrial settings, these skimmers prove versatile and effective.
  2. Floating Debris Management: In environments where floating debris is a concern, belt skimmers shine. Their design ensures efficient oil collection while preventing clogging caused by debris, making them ideal for diverse water conditions.
  3. High Capacity: Belt skimmers boast impressive oil removal capacities, making them suitable for handling both small and large-scale spills. Their ability to process significant volumes of oil efficiently is a crucial advantage in emergency response scenarios.

Key Features and Advantages of Tube Skimmers

Tube skimmers, operating on a different principle, offer unique features that make them particularly effective in specific contexts.

  1. Low Maintenance: Tube skimmers are celebrated for their simplicity and low maintenance requirements. This characteristic makes them a cost-effective and reliable choice for long-term deployment, minimizing operational disruptions.
  2. Shallow Water Operation: The design of tube skimmers lends itself well to shallow water environments where other skimming methods may face limitations. This feature enhances their versatility in spill scenarios with varying water depths.
  3. Variable Tube Sizes: Tube skimmers come in various tube sizes, providing adaptability to different spill scenarios. This flexibility ensures that these skimmers can effectively operate in diverse environments, addressing the specific challenges posed by varying spill conditions.

Decision-Making Considerations

Now, let's delve deeper into the practical considerations that should guide your decision-making process.

  1. Oil Removal Rate: Evaluate the volume of oil you need to remove, measured in gallons per hour. Each skimmer model is specifically rated for its capacity to remove oil within defined time frames.
  2. Tank Dimensions: Assess the dimensions of your tank or pit. Different skimmer sizes have varying capacities to pull in oil from different distances. Even if your oil volume is relatively low, selecting the appropriate skimmer size ensures effective coverage across extensive surface areas.

In the ongoing belt skimmer versus tube skimmer debate, the crux lies in aligning your choice with the practical needs of your application. By carefully scrutinizing factors such as oil removal rate and tank dimensions, you can tailor your selection to seamlessly address the unique challenges presented by your environmental context. Informed decision-making remains the key to implementing efficient oil cleanup solutions that not only conserve space but also enhance functionality, ultimately contributing to a cleaner and more resilient environment.

How to Choose an Oil Skimmer for Machine Coolant

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: tramp oil, coolant maintenance, machine tools

How Common Oil Skimmers Empower Machine Tools | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Nov 29, 2023 1:45:00 PM

In the realm of machining, the efficient operation of machine tools is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and extending the lifespan of equipment. One common challenge faced by manufacturers is the presence of unwanted oils and coolants on the surfaces of cutting fluids, which can lead to decreased efficiency, increased maintenance costs, and environmental concerns. To address this issue, many industries turn to oil skimmers as an effective solution. We'll delve into the world of oil skimmers for machine tools, exploring their types, benefits, and how they contribute to overall operational excellence.

Types of Oil Skimmers

  1. Belt Skimmers: Belt skimmers are among the most popular choices for removing floating oils from the surface of coolants and fluids. They operate by using a continuous loop of oil-attracting material, such as a belt or tube, to skim oil from the liquid surface. The belt passes through the fluid, picking up oils along the way, and then travels through a set of wiper blades to remove the collected oil.
  2. Disc Skimmers: Disc skimmers utilize a rotating disc or discs to pick up oil from the liquid surface. The discs are partially submerged in the fluid, and as they rotate, they attract and collect the floating oils. The collected oil is then scraped off the discs and directed to a collection container.
  3. Tube Skimmers: Tube skimmers consist of a series of floating tubes that attract and collect oil. The tubes are designed to be hydrophobic, ensuring that they selectively pick up oil while repelling water. The collected oil is then channeled into a separate container.

Benefits of Oil Skimmers for Machine Tools

  1. Extended Tool Life: Unwanted oils and contaminants can accelerate tool wear and reduce the lifespan of cutting tools. Oil skimmers help in maintaining clean cutting fluids, thereby contributing to the extended life of machine tools.
  2. Improved Surface Finish: Clean coolant leads to better surface finishes on machined parts. Oil skimmers play a crucial role in removing oils that can otherwise mar the quality of the final product.
  3. Reduced Maintenance Costs: By preventing the accumulation of oils and contaminants, oil skimmers reduce the frequency of fluid changes and maintenance requirements. This translates to cost savings for manufacturers in terms of both time and resources.
  4. Environmental Compliance: Proper oil skimming helps manufacturers adhere to environmental regulations by minimizing the discharge of oils and contaminants into wastewater. This ensures a more sustainable and responsible machining process.
  5. Enhanced Coolant Performance: Clean cutting fluids contribute to the efficient cooling of machine tools, preventing overheating and maintaining stable machining conditions. This is essential for achieving consistent and accurate results.

In the world of machining, where precision and efficiency are paramount, the role of oil skimmers cannot be overstated. Choosing the right type of skimmer for your machine tools can lead to improved tool life, better surface finishes, and reduced maintenance costs. As industries continue to prioritize sustainable practices, oil skimmers play a vital role in ensuring environmental compliance by mitigating the impact of oil and coolant contamination. By integrating these effective solutions into machining processes, manufacturers can optimize their operations and achieve higher levels of productivity and quality.

How to Choose an Oil Skimmer for Machine Coolant

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: tramp oil, coolant maintenance, machine tools

Enhancing CNC Machine Performance with Oil Skimmers | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Oct 31, 2023 1:15:00 PM

In the world of manufacturing, precision and efficiency are paramount. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines are the backbone of many industries, providing the ability to create intricate and accurate parts with incredible precision. However, these machines often face a common challenge: the accumulation of unwanted coolant and cutting oils on their surfaces, leading to decreased performance, tool wear, and the risk of environmental contamination. This is where CNC machine oil skimmers come into play.

What is an Oil Skimmer?

An oil skimmer is a mechanical device designed to remove unwanted oils, grease, and other hydrophobic liquids from the surface of coolant or wastewater. In the context of CNC machines, oil skimmers are used to remove cutting oils and coolants that accumulate on the surface of the coolant reservoir. By doing so, they help maintain the quality of the coolant, extend tool life, improve machining precision, and contribute to a cleaner and safer working environment.

How Do CNC Machine Oil Skimmers Work?

Oil skimmers are relatively simple yet highly effective devices. They operate on the principle of buoyancy and surface tension. Here's a basic overview of how they work:

  1. Skimmer Design: CNC machine oil skimmers come in various designs, but most employ a rotating or moving medium (usually a belt, disc, or drum) that is partially submerged in the coolant or wastewater.
  2. Oil Attraction: The submerged medium attracts the oil or grease due to its hydrophobic nature. As the medium rotates or moves, it collects a layer of oil on its surface.
  3. Separation: The medium with the collected oil then passes through a scraper or wiper mechanism, which removes the oil from the medium's surface. The oil is directed into a separate collection container, leaving the coolant or wastewater behind.
  4. Recirculation: The cleaned coolant or wastewater is returned to the CNC machine's reservoir, ensuring that the coolant remains in good condition for machining.

Benefits of CNC Machine Oil Skimmers

  1. Extended Tool Life: Accumulated oil and grease on cutting tools can lead to premature wear and diminished tool performance. Oil skimmers help maintain a cleaner coolant, thus extending the life of cutting tools and reducing tooling costs.
  2. Improved Machining Precision: Oil-contaminated coolants can compromise the precision and accuracy of CNC machines. Oil skimmers contribute to a cleaner work environment, resulting in more consistent and accurate machining.
  3. Reduced Maintenance: Clean coolant reduces the frequency of coolant changes and extends the lifespan of coolant filters, reducing maintenance costs.
  4. Environmental Compliance: Properly managing and disposing of oil and coolant waste is crucial for environmental compliance. Oil skimmers help collect and separate oil from the coolant, making it easier to handle the waste in an environmentally responsible manner.
  5. Cost Savings: By enhancing tool life, reducing maintenance, and improving machining precision, oil skimmers can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

CNC machine oil skimmers are valuable tools for maintaining the performance and longevity of CNC machines. By efficiently removing unwanted oils and grease from coolant reservoirs, they contribute to cleaner, more precise, and more environmentally friendly machining operations. If you're looking to optimize your CNC machining processes, consider the integration of an oil skimmer to ensure your machines operate at their best while minimizing operational costs and environmental impact.

How to Successfully Implement Oil Skimmers

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: tramp oil, coolant maintenance, coolant skimmer

Small Tube Skimmers, Big Problem Solvers in Machining Centers | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Sep 26, 2023 2:15:00 PM

Tramp oil represents a formidable challenge for modern machining centers, and its repercussions extend far beyond the confines of the workshop floor. This insidious contaminant can mar the very appearance of finished parts, tarnishing the precision and quality that machining processes strive to achieve. 

Moreover, tramp oil poses a dual threat to the well-being of workers; not only can it lead to skin conditions through prolonged exposure, but it can also permeate the workspace with a haze of smoke, creating a hazardous environmental atmosphere. This issue is compounded by a significant shift in the design of machining centers in recent years, which often feature limited access to the coolant sumps, making the effective removal of tramp oil a daunting dilemma that demands innovative solutions to maintain both productivity and worker safety.

The conundrum lies in the question: how can one efficiently extract oil from a coolant sump when access is severely restricted? This challenge underscores the pressing need for ingenious methods and specialized equipment tailored to these modern machining environments.

Abanaki Small Tube Skimmer

Indeed, a small tube skimmer, such as Abanaki's Tubetastic!®, holds promise as an ideal solution for this predicament. Its compact design and versatility make it well-suited to effectively remove tramp oil from coolant sumps, even in machining centers with limited access.

The Tubetastic! features an oleophilic tube that carefully navigates into your machining center, skillfully extracting oil from the coolant's surface. It offers versatile installation options, allowing attachment to the tank lip or seamless entry through a slot in the machine's side. Moreover, it boasts an impressive oil removal capacity, with the ability to eliminate as much as 1.5 gallons per hour (gph) of oil from the cutting fluid's surface, making it well-equipped to tackle virtually any tramp oil issue.

This efficient machine also incorporates a 50/60hz fan-cooled, continuous-duty motor, available in both 110v and 220v options, ensuring reliable and consistent performance. Additionally, it is equipped with standard collector tubes that offer reaches of 8 inches, 12 inches, 18 inches, or 24 inches, with the possibility of extending the length for specific needs.

How to Select the Best Quality Tube Oil Skimmers

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: tramp oil, tube oil skimmer, coolant maintenance

Implementation of Oil Concentrator Yields Savings in Disposal Expenditure | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Aug 31, 2023 11:00:00 AM

The Oil Concentrator operates without any reliance on electrical components or moving parts, simplifying its design and maintenance. Its functioning is straightforward: it directly receives liquid from the skimmer. The fundamental principle at play is gravity separation. To facilitate effective separation, the Concentrator tank is sized in a manner that allows sufficient duration for the oil and water to naturally segregate.

When it comes to discharging the liquids, the process is neatly organized. Water is released via a tube positioned with an open end close to the lower section of the Concentrator, whereas oil is directed through a separate drain outlet located near the upper part. As fresh liquid enters the Concentrator, the already separated water and oil are compelled to exit through their designated discharge tubes and ports. Enhancing this process, a sludge screen contributes additional dwell time, furthering the separation process. Importantly, this screen also acts as a safeguard, preventing any debris from compromising the quality of either the separated water or oil streams.

The Abanaki Oil Concentrator

The Abanaki Oil Concentrator plays a dual role, acting as a highly efficient oil-water separator capable of managing the recycling or responsible disposal of either liquid. In most operational scenarios, Abanaki skimmers excel at retrieving oil while leaving behind minimal traces of water. Nonetheless, as surface oil diminishes to a fine layer, measuring just 1/16 of an inch or even thinner, an increased amount of water or coolant might inadvertently get collected alongside the oil. 

To tackle this situation, the Oil Concentrator collaborates seamlessly with an oil skimmer, offering a conclusive phase of separation. The outcome is twofold: it provides water or coolant that can be channeled back into the recycling process, and it yields oil that is nearly devoid of water, rendering it suitable for efficient disposal.Installed at the discharge end of the oil skimmer, this oil water separator comes complete with mounting bracket, removable sludge screen and drain plug for easy cleaning. An optional thermostatically controlled heater is available for use with thick oils, or when the application is in freezing temperatures. (A heater should not be used in environments where explosive fumes might be present.)

Abanaki highly recommends pairing the Oil Concentrator with all belt oil skimmers for optimal outcomes. This combination greatly boosts skimming efficiency and also brings down the costs linked with oil disposal. This partnership doesn't just improve equipment performance – it saves money too. The Oil Concentrator refines the oil-water mix, making the separated oil purer and easier to dispose of. This reduces the expenses associated with disposal and supports eco-friendly practices. In essence, Abanaki's suggestion to use the Oil Concentrator with belt oil skimmers is a smart way to work smarter, cut costs, and be environmentally responsible.

How to Successfully Implement Oil Skimmers

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: coolant maintenance, industrial wastewater, oil water separation

Oil-Water Separation: Ensuring Sustainability | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jul 31, 2023 4:28:52 PM

The removal of oil from water is a vital stage that numerous industries must undertake during their manufacturing processes. Whether motivated by adherence to government regulations and the avoidance of penalties, or driven by the desire to reduce disposal expenses, employing oil skimmers to extract oil from water offers companies a host of valuable benefits.

Reasons to Remove Oil from Water

Here are six reasons why manufacturers need to remove oil from water and how Abanaki oil Skimming technologies offer a cost-effective solution.

1. Used motor oil can contaminate millions of gallons of fresh water.

A gallon of used motor oil can contaminate one million gallons of fresh water. This highlights the significant danger of improper disposal or leakage, which can harm aquatic ecosystems, endanger aquatic life, and threaten drinking water sources. Responsible handling and recycling of used motor oil are crucial to protect our water resources and the environment for future generations.

2. The U.S. produces billions of gallons of waste oil each year, and millions are improperly disposed.

Each year, the United States produces an astounding number of billions of gallons of waste oil. Amid this vast quantity, there is a concerning portion amounting to millions of gallons that unfortunately do not undergo proper disposal practices. This mismanagement of waste oil can have severe consequences for the environment, as improper disposal may lead to soil and water contamination, posing significant risks to ecosystems and human health alike.

3. Sources of oily wastewater

Oily wastewater stems from various sources and consists of exhausted oil emulsions from machine tools, used coolants, water utilized in parts washing, and grease from food processing, among other contributors. Machine tools often generate oil emulsions as a byproduct of their operation, while used coolants and wastewater from parts washing can become contaminated with oil residues. In the food processing industry, the presence of grease and oils further contributes to the creation of oily wastewater.

4. Dumping oily wastewater into a storm sewer

The act of disposing of oily wastewater into a storm sewer is a grave offense with severe consequences. Engaging in such unlawful practices could result in individuals facing significant penalties, including the possibility of being sentenced to several years in prison and/or facing substantial fines.

5. Hiring a licensed disposal firm to haul away and treat oily wastewater

For larger manufacturers, opting to hire a licensed disposal firm to haul away and treat oily wastewater or coolant can result in substantial monthly expenses, amounting to thousands of dollars. The costs associated with such specialized services stem from the complexities involved in handling and treating hazardous substances like oily wastewater, which require adherence to strict environmental regulations and specialized equipment.

6. Oil skimmer technology can dramatically reduce the water content of waste oil that must be disposed of or recycled.

Oil skimmer technology represents a groundbreaking solution capable of significantly reducing the water content present in waste oil that requires disposal or recycling. By employing sophisticated oil skimmers, industries can efficiently separate and remove the oil from water, thereby streamlining the waste management process and minimizing the volume of waste oil that needs handling.

Oil and water don’t mix,” a statement that manufacturers in a variety of industries have come to learn the hard way. Oil skimming technologies offer an environmentally safe, highly economical approach to separating oil and water prior to disposal.

How to Successfully Implement Oil Skimmers

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

You are just one step away from downloading Abanaki's most detailed resource on our oil skimming equipment. Simply click at the button to get your ultimate guide now.

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Topics: coolant maintenance, wastewater recycling, oil water separation

Improving CNC Performance with Coolant Oil Skimmers | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Jun 29, 2023 1:30:00 PM

Coolant oil skimmers typically don’t come attached to CNC machines when they are newly bought. This is because nobody wants to admit that the brand-new machine is eventually going to leak oil into the coolant. This looks good on paper, but there is a reason why so many coolant oil skimmers are bought annually. 

CNC machines are bound to have at least a small amount of oil leaking into the coolant at some point. The skimmer will remove this oil from the top of the coolant for disposal. Without some type of coolant oil skimmer, the coolant life will be dramatically decreased. These small coolant oil skimmers will save you money throughout the operational life of your CNC machine.

The Crucial Role of Coolant Oil Skimmer on CNC Machine

A coolant oil skimmer plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance and longevity of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. These machines rely on coolant oil to lubricate and cool the cutting tools, which is essential for maintaining high precision and preventing damage due to excessive heat. However, coolant oil tends to become contaminated with various substances such as tramp oil, metal shavings, and debris during the machining process. This contamination can adversely affect the machining process, leading to reduced efficiency and increased maintenance requirements.

The implementation of a coolant oil skimmer effectively addresses this issue by efficiently removing the contaminants from the coolant oil. By removing tramp oil, which is the accumulated oil from leaking machine parts or hydraulic systems, the skimmer prevents the formation of a sticky residue on the workpiece, reducing the need for post-machining cleaning. This results in improved surface finish and higher product quality. Moreover, by removing metal shavings and debris, the skimmer helps prevent clogging of the coolant system, ensuring smooth coolant flow and minimizing the risk of tool damage.

Additionally, a coolant oil skimmer contributes to cost savings and environmental sustainability. By efficiently separating tramp oil from the coolant, it extends the life of the coolant oil, reducing the frequency of coolant replacements and the associated costs. Moreover, the skimmer aids in the recycling and reusing of the separated tramp oil, minimizing waste generation and promoting environmental conservation. Overall, the benefits of a coolant oil skimmer on CNC machines include improved machining performance, reduced maintenance requirements, enhanced product quality, cost savings, and a more sustainable manufacturing process.

Different Types of Coolant Oil Skimmers

There are several different types of coolant oil skimmers available for CNC machines, each with its own unique design and method of operation.

  1. Belt Skimmers: Belt skimmers consist of a continuous belt that is immersed in the coolant. The belt attracts and collects the floating oil as it passes through the coolant, and then the oil is scraped off the belt and collected in a separate container.
  2. Disk Skimmers: Disk skimmers utilize a rotating disk that is partially submerged in the coolant. The disk's surface tension attracts the oil, which is then scraped off the disk and collected for removal.
  3. Tube Skimmers: Tube skimmers employ a hollow tube or suction head that is inserted into the coolant. The oil is drawn up through the tube by a vacuum or suction mechanism, separating it from the coolant, and then it is transferred to a collection container.

Each type of coolant oil skimmer has its advantages and is suitable for different applications based on factors such as the type of coolant used, the volume of oil to be removed, and the specific requirements of the CNC machine.

How to Choose an Oil Skimmer for Machine Coolant

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

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Topics: tramp oil, coolant maintenance, coolant skimmer

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