The wastewater pits in Steel Mills are a particularly harsh place for oil skimmers to operate. The heavy oils and greases that are typically found in the scale-pits can wear out an oil skimmer if the right skimmer and belt material is not being used.
Topics: steel mills, oil skimmer
Disk Skimmers Prove to Be a Reliable Tool for All Applications
One of the many advantages of Abanaki oil skimmers is that they are built to operate in numerous applications. This advantage comes in handy with some of our customers that own and operate several different industrial operations. Abanaki has had a customer in India for over 10 years. This customer has businesses in paint, lubricant, and some chemical production, as well as real-estate and engineering services. Over the past 10 years this company has utilized and purchased more than 125 Mighty Disk Skimmers!
Topics: oil skimmers, cnc machine, disk skimmer
Topics: groundwater remediation, oil skimmer, petroxtractor, UK
Topics: oil skimmers, steel industry, grease grabber, steel
Oil skimming is a dirty job. However, it is an important part of numerous industries. Some industries utilize oil skimmers to help stay in compliance with EPA regulations and to keep hydrocarbons out of the environment. Other industries need oil skimmers to help prolong tool life or keep the work place a healthy place for the plant operators. Regardless of the reason, oil skimmers offer a simple, cost-effective, and environmentally sound solution to removing hydrocarbons from any application.
Topics: ball bearing, oil, oil skimmers, lubricants, steel
Topics: fracking, oil, model 8, oil skimmer
Tube Skimmer Helps Upgrade Bearings Manufacturing Facility
Topics: oil, belt skimmer, oil viper, bearings, water, tote-it, tube skimmer
Oil Skimmer Tackles Two Issues at UK Groundwater Remediaiton Site
Topics: beverage, diesel, groundwater remediaition, food, UK
Topics: infographic, groundwater remediation, oil skimmer, petroxtractor
Topics: chillybox, industrial cabinets