
Oil Skimmer Blog

Oil Skimming Deathmatch: Belt Skimmer vs. Tube Skimmer

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 25, 2019 9:54:42 AM

Rosemont-3628-Tote-It-application-photo-21-234x300It’s the age old question; which is better? The belt skimmer or the tube skimmer for collecting floating surface oils from various applications? Some feel that belt skimmers work better because it takes up less space while still collecting oil from large surface areas. Other people feel that the tube skimmer works better because the tube covers more of the tank or pit’s surface. The fact is that both skimmers use the same principle of breaking the surface tension of the water to allow the oil to adhere to either the belt or the tube.TubeTastic

There are a lot of belt and tube oil skimmers out there, but how do you figure out which one will work best for your specific application? There are two things that should be looked at immediately. First, how many gallons per hour of oil are you looking to remove? Every skimmer model is rated for the gallons per hour that can be removed. The next thing to look at would be the dimensions of your tank. The different sizes of skimmers will be able to pull in oil from different distances. Even if you have a fairly low amount of oil, a smaller skimmer may not work if the surface area is too large.Mighty Mini

You can make your own decision which is best by visiting www.abanaki.com . There is a full line of belt skimmers and tube skimmers to compare. Or, the best way to match up a proper skimmer to your exact application is to call your Abanaki sales representative @440-543-7400.



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Topics: oil skimmers, belt skimmer, oil viper, tote-it, tube skimmer

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