
Oil Skimmer Blog

Spare Belts for Your Belt Oil Skimmer

Posted by Tom Hobson on Nov 8, 2011 7:53:45 AM

Written By: Cole Solberg

When it comes to separating oil from water and coolant, belt oil skimmers are among the least expensive units for maintenance. Belt oil skimmers need very little attention for everyday use. The items that will need to be changed from time to time are the belt and wipers. This is because these are the parts that eventually wear from contact. It is typically a good idea to have a spare oil skimmer belt and wipers on hand so that you can get your belt oil skimmer up and running with little to no downtime. As the wipers wear down, they will slowly become less and less effective. The belt can wear down in a number of ways until it eventually breaks. Belts can last a long time depending on the application, but it is always good to be prepared when you are in need of that back-up belt.

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