With nearly 40% of the US consuming groundwater as drinking water, making sure the water that is being sourced is clean is crucial. Unfortunately, there are roughly 126,000 US sites that still need to be remediated and cleaned.
Groundwater remediation is the process of removing pollution from our water supplies and fresh drinking water. The process of cleaning up contaminated sites can range from $110-$127 billion. More cost effective than pump-and-treat systems, oil skimming removes hydrocarbon contamination from groundwater without pumps and at the lowest cost. It is the most inexpensive way to remove LNAPLs or DNAPLs oils during groundwater remediation. Abanaki oil skimmers have proven successful in thousands of applications, including in groundwater remediation systems. Oil skimmers can also be used to treat water before filtering, thus extending the lifespan of the filter. Oil skimming equipment is simple, reliable and low maintenance.
Abanaki's new Groundwater Remediation Infographic highlights the problems that are typically found with groundwater remediation projects and how Abanaki oil skimmers can help solve these issues.
To learn more about Groundwater Remediation and the oil skimmers typically used in this industry click the photo below to launch the infographic.