Choosing an oil skimmer best suited for your application will maximize oil removal while minimizing capital outlay and oil skimming operation costs. The first step in choosing an oil skimmer is to define the operating conditions in which the skimmer will be operating. All oil skimmers have a moving medium, and possibly other parts, immersed in the liquid. The performance and life of the pick-up medium, wiper blades, pulleys, etc. are affected by different conditions. These conditions include temperatures in and out of the liquid, pH of the solution, and the presence of solvents or other reactive chemicals.
Hazardous Materials:
Applications involving flammable materials or explosive vapors require the use of explosion proof or air driven motors and controls.
All oil skimmers require floating oil to be in a liquid, free-flowing state. If the oil congeals or solidifies at ambient temperatures, the tank and/or oil skimmer will require heaters to maintain fluid flow. This is especially true at temperatures low enough to freeze water. A heater option is a must if an oil skimmer is to be used outdoors in freezing temperatures.
Stay tuned for more parts on ‘Choosing an Oil Skimmer’. For further information on Abanaki’s multitude of oil skimmers, click the photo below