Recently, one of our sales team attended CARS Complete Automotive Recycling and Secondary Materials show. Focused on the waste and oil byproducts from old cars, Abanaki made a strong impression with their oil skimmers.
CARS Expo, located in Derby, UK, is a focused convention bringing over 1,200 professionals to its halls. These professionals work day in and day out to reclaim and reuse parts from old automobiles and other forms of conveyance to service vehicles currently on the road, creating a more sustainable ecosystem and economy. Often facing runoff from oil leaking from these vehicles, the companies these professionals work for want to curb any potentially harmful waste exiting through the water stream. Abanaki’s products are a top choice.
Abanaki’s PetroXtractor skimmer, on display at CARS, provides easy oil-water separation, collecting the oil and containing it for other uses. In some cases, the oil can even be reused! The skimmer is also portable and will draw oil to the belt. Various automotive recyclers have already used our products to great effect.
Our UK representative, Graham, had a great time meeting with many of the professionals there and raising awareness of our product. Many of the attendees were impressed by the PetroXtractor’s ruggedness and efficiency and the sheer oil collection capabilities of the Model 4. If you could use a means of collecting oil from water or coolant in any applications, you can contact Graham in the UK at For those of us elsewhere, call Abanaki at (440) 543-7400 or e-mail us at If you’d like to see more information on how our skimmers can help you, take a look at a case study in the automotive industry.