
Oil Skimmer Blog

A New Tube Skimmer for Abrasive Applications

Posted by Tom Hobson on Sep 25, 2015 11:06:00 AM

At Abanaki, we are constantly looking at what aspects of our products can be improved in order to provide our customers with the best possible oil removal option. We love getting feed back, good or bad, on how our skimmers are working in the field. We recently announced the new oil concentrator for our TubeTastic! tube skimmer to help increase the skimmer's efficiency levels and decrease disposal costs. However we were learning that for some of our customers with abrasive and harsh applications, the tube skimmer wasn't able to hold it's own. So we went back to the drawing board to find a solution.

Tubetastic tube skimmer

After a few trial and error prototypes, we finally have developed a TubeTastic! tube skimmer for abrasive applications. And our CEO is calling it 'Fantubulous' (there were many an eye roll in the office when he proclaimed this). What we can agree on is that this skimmer is a vast improvement and a solid option for our customers that have harsh applications. The new design helps to prevent wear and tear on both the skimmer and tube. In harsh applications, friction and aggressive chemicals can cause an oil skimmer to warp or the tubes can erode during the skimming process. The metal reinforcements help alleviate the stress on the skimmer and prevent the tubes from ripping, ensuring a longer lasting and low-maintenance oil skimming operation.

The TubeTastic! easily mounts to the side of virtually any machining center.  It can skim oil from chip conveyors or completely enclosed machining centers.  Using an existing opening through a small access cutout, the unit’s collector tube runs through the surface of the coolant to collect unwanted oils.  The oil then flows out the discharge tube into any waste oil container for easy disposal.


See a live demo of the TubeTastic!

If your process has a tendency to wear down your tube skimmer due to the nature of the application it might be due to the fact that the skimmer you are using it not built for the harsh environment it is being used in. Make sure you are utilizing the right tools to get the job done efficiently. 

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