
Oil Skimmer Blog

7 Tips for Choosing the Best Tube Oil Skimmer | Abanaki

Posted by Tom Hobson on Feb 24, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Tube oil skimmers offer an inexpensive, efficient solution for removing tramp oil from coolant especially if limited overhead space is an issue. Tube oil skimmers can be used on machining centers with little or no access to the coolant sump from above. Plus, tube oil skimmers can remove oil from chip conveyors or enclosed machining centers.

However, finding the best tube oil skimmer for an application can be difficult. This video shows how to use this type-skimmer correctly along with seven features of a high-quality tube skimmer for coolant maintenance.

Why Tube Oil Skimmer?

Tube oil skimmers are great for some specific applications where oil needs to be removed from water or coolant. The basic principle is that the tube will reach into the water and break the oil’s surface tension. This is the same way that the belt skimmers work.BlogFeb23

The tube oil skimmer can be easily mounted on the side of virtually any machining center coolant sump. By use of an existing opening or by making a small access cutout, the collector tube runs through the surface of the coolant and collects the unwanted oils. The oil then flows out the discharge tube into any waste oil container for easy disposal.

Many people prefer the belt skimmers when there is direct access overhead, but this is often not the case. Some applications will not have vertical access to the liquid. Tube oil skimmers allow the unit to reach in a side access point and go down to the surface. The tube oil skimmer can be an easy solution to a troubling problem.

Oil Concentrator (Oil Water Separator)

Under most operating conditions, tube oil skimmer picks up oil with only small traces of water or coolant. However, as surface oil is reduced to a thin layer (1/16 inch thick or less), more water (or coolant) may be picked up along with the oil. When used in tandem with the tube oil skimmer, the oil concentrator solves this problem by providing final phase separation. The result is water (or coolant) available for recycling, and virtually water-free oil for disposal.OC#1

This oil concentrator is non-electrical and contains no moving parts — it simply receives liquid directly from the tube oil skimmer. Water discharge is through a tube that has an open end near the bottom of it, while oil flow is through a separate drain port near the top. As additional liquid enters it, water and oil are forced out through their respective disposal tubes.

To learn more about oil skimmers, please contact our experts at 440-543-7400 or visit our website: www.abanaki.com

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Topics: tube oil skimmer, coolant maintenance, tramp oil skimmer

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