
Oil Skimmer Blog

Wastewater Skimmer Keeps Rail Yard in Compliance

Posted by Tom Hobson on May 1, 2014 5:39:24 AM

Click here to receive a copy of our Solutions Sourcebook. This 43-page handbook offers application notes on more than 40 real-world implementations of oil skimming.

Recently, Abanaki salesman John visited a customer that’s been utilizing the Model 8 Oil Skimmer as its wastewater skimmer for 3 years. The customer uses the skimmer at its rail yard facility. The Model 8 oil skimmers are placed on the tops of holding tanks where the wastewater is collected. It is crucial for this customer to remove the hydrocarbons from the wastewater before it is discharged into the sewer system. Without the use of the skimmer, the facility would face many fines and penalties from the government, as it has many EPA regulations in place to keep the water systems clean.

model 8

The Model 8 is the perfect wastewater oil skimmer for this job. It utilizes a continuous belt and wiper to remove up to 40 gallons of oil per hour from the fluid surface. The belt, operating on a motor and pulley system, runs through contaminated liquid to pick up oil from the surface. After traveling over the head pulley, the belt passes through tandem wiper blades where oil is scraped off both sides of the belt and discharged. The tail pulley has flanges which allow it to roll freely on the inside of the belt without becoming dislodged. It requires no bearings and does not need to be fastened to the tank. If turbulent conditions exist, an optional tether and cage assembly prevents the tail pulley from being dislodged.

The Model 8 is a dependable wastewater skimmer that lasts for years and always gets the job done. To find out how this oil skimmer will improve your application click the photo below.

Oil skimmer

Topics: belt skimmer, EPA, government, model 8, oil skimmer, wastewater skimmer, rail yard

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